Caxton Hall - more
Robert Williams on 10/18/2022

Caxton Hall - more

The ANA was a curious organisation with a title misleading its intention. The organisation was formed to support and promote white, male Australians who were born in Australia (thus natives). It played a key part in moving to Federation as well as maintaining the ‘white Australia policy’. In London during the First World War it devoted its efforts to supporting ANZAC soldiers as well as its usual role of promoting Australian settler culture.

R Robert Williams
St Clement Danes - more
Robert Williams on 10/18/2022

St Clement Danes - more

St Clement Danes is well worth a visit, with its pleasant interior, connection to the Royal Air Force and restoration as one of Wren’s key London churches. If you linger in the tranquil forecourt area you can hear the church bells play the tune of ‘Oranges and Lemons, say the bells of St Clements’. However St Clement Eastcheap also claims to be the church in the nursery rhyme.

R Robert Williams